| 1. | Some restrictions apply , your mileage may vary 具体情况具体分析吧。 |
| 2. | Nothing i want has this , only virii your mileage may vary 我不需要这个,只有virii病毒需要(具体情况因人而异) 。 |
| 3. | In practice i have found that this is seldom a problem , but your mileage may vary 我从实践中发现这很少出现问题,但您的情况可能会不一样。 |
| 4. | Your mileage may vary , but elements can encode all the information required for such a project 大小可能不同,但是元素可以编码此类项目的所有信息。 |
| 5. | Your mileage may vary , and you may want to experiment with changing the buffer size to find the best size for your linux system 您做了各种不同的实验,您想要通过更改缓冲区大小进行实验以找到适合您linux系统的最佳大小。 |
| 6. | Your mileage may vary , so always verify that following the guidelines leads to acceptable results in your specific situation 您的实际情况可能会发生变化,所有经常验证下面的这些指导,它们会针对您的具体情况指导您合意的结果。 |
| 7. | A number of the examples and descriptions use the redhat ( tm ) package layout and system setup . your mileage may vary 没有义务对本文档的内容负责.使用其中的概念,例子和其他内容造成的后果自负.另外,本文的一个早期版本可能存在许多误差和错误 |
| 8. | This tutorial was developed on a windows xp workstation and assumes development and deployment in windows environments . on other platforms , your mileage may vary . your development workstation should have the following installed components 当您完成注册后,您可以使用您的ibm id和密码访问developerworks中国网站或developerworks全球网站上的任何教程,而无需在一个浏览器会话中重新输入您的id和密码。 |